Smooth Unique Style
This animation, though the length was a little short due to the story i'm guessing, was one of the smoothest pieces of work i have seen. It seems that everything just flows together so perfect.
The turning of the purple blob thing, the hand coming out of the clerks face, and the funky transformation thing the devil did in the beginning all looked absolutely phenomenal.
The backgrounds on the flash made the animation in the foreground pop out even more. Even though the detail on the back was still amazing. The cash register in the beginning( that had fuck written on the keys :D) caught my eye along with the guitars in the background.
The story was alright; the ending had me laughing quite a bit. When i saw the face of the octopus i had to crack a smile. That and the whole beard growing randomly thing.
I really want to see more animation from you in the future. I saw this flash after i saw you post on the animation forum with a little flash you made(the piano one) and i had to see what else you made and boy was i happy.
Keep up the amazing work. Oh and one more thing, what FPS do you animate at? I wouldn't be surprised if it was 36+ with how smooth it is.